Rich & Quick Drying Stains
The deep, rich colors offered by our finish manufacturers ensure you’re getting the look & color you want right out of the can! Since many of the stains we offer are quick drying, your job is sure to stay on schedule. While the right stain color is the key to making sure your hardwood floor fits the style of your home or office, selecting the right finish will ensure that color lasts for years to come!
Water-Based Finishes
Water-based finishes provide a clear finish, giving a more natural look to your hardwood floors. These finishes will slightly accent the character of your wood without giving the amber tint of an oil-based poly.
Low Odor
Water-based finishes are manufactured with less VOCs which means two things: less odor and less VOCs are better for the environment.
Faster Drying Time
Water-based finishes have a faster drying time than oil-based finishes. You can re-coat them in two hours, therefore, if you being early enough in the day, you can apply the recommended four coats by the end of the day.
Traditional Polyurethane Oil Finishes
Oil-based finishes are considered the mainstay of flooring finishes and widely used by professional finishers. The biggest difference between oil-based and water-based finishes is the appearance.
Traditional Look
Oil-based finishes leave an amber glow and are often thought of more as classic or traditional. Overtime, the oil-based finishes will darken & become even bolder in hue. Oil-based finishes require fewer coats, but have a 5 hour wait time between coats and a 12 hour wait time after the last coat is applied.
Tough & Long-Lasting
These finishes are tough, long-lasting and less expensive than water-based polys. However, they do contain a higher VOC content and have a stronger odor during application.
Conversion Varnishes
Conversion varnishes are two-component acid-curing, alcohol-bases sealers. Due to their origin, conversion varnishes are often referred to as Swedish finishes.
Toughest Finish
Conversion varnishes are among the toughest of all hardwood flooring finishes, as well as the most expensive. These finishes have an extremely high VOC content and generally are for pro application only. Conversion varnish finishes take up to 60 days to fully cure.
Cadillac of Finishes
Conversion varnishes are the “Cadillac” of finishes. They are especially good for high-end homes with flooring made from exotic woods and floors with elaborate inlay designs.